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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
17:50, 12 November 2014Heliogyr.zoom.pov (file)6 KBBenVersion specified to render with most recent Povray. Zoomed a little further out.2
17:37, 12 November 2014Heliogyr.zoom.jpg (file)329 KBBenHigher resolution, anti-aliased, signed render2
16:37, 28 September 2013Heliogyro.png (file)554 KBBenHalley Rendezvous heliogyro solar sail. Spinning sail with long, thin blades. The blades are tilted like those of a helicopter to steer the vessel. Created 1999 by Benjamin L. Diedrich using POVRay, updated in 2013. Source file: File:Heliogyr.pov ...1
10:34, 22 August 2012LGarde20mDemoSail.jpg (file)64 KBBen20x20m ground demonstration solar sail built by L'Garde for a NASA technology development program. Courtesy of NASA.1
14:13, 16 July 2012IKAROS solar sail.jpg (file)325 KBBenSmaller size due to conversion problems.2
13:43, 16 July 2012Earth from Galileo.png (file)219 KBBenView of Antarctica taken by from the Galileo spacecraft during it's Earth flyby in 1990 before traveling to Jupiter. Courtesy NASA's National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC)1
14:31, 19 May 2010LGarde-inflatable-sail-11.jpg (file)62 KBBenSmall inflatable prototype solar sail built by L'Garde. View from below as sail is pulled out by all the booms. Taken at an inflatable space structures demonstration at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 1997. {{PD}} 1
14:30, 19 May 2010LGarde-inflatable-sail-10.jpg (file)64 KBBenSmall inflatable prototype solar sail built by L'Garde. The other booms are catching up. Taken at an inflatable space structures demonstration at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 1997. {{PD}} 1
14:28, 19 May 2010LGarde-inflatable-sail-09.jpg (file)62 KBBenSmall inflatable prototype solar sail built by L'Garde. Continuing to deploy. Taken at an inflatable space structures demonstration at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 1997. {{PD}} 1
14:27, 19 May 2010LGarde-inflatable-sail-08.jpg (file)41 KBBenSmall inflatable prototype solar sail built by L'Garde. Other booms deploying and pulling sail in other directions. Taken at an inflatable space structures demonstration at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 1997. {{PD}} 1
14:25, 19 May 2010LGarde-inflatable-sail-07.jpg (file)64 KBBenSmall inflatable prototype solar sail built by L'Garde. First boom deployed far ahead of others, pulling packaged sail film out with it. Note that despite the asymmetric deployment, the sail film is not stressed. Taken at an inflatable space structures de1
14:21, 19 May 2010LGarde-inflatable-sail-06.jpg (file)61 KBBenSmall inflatable prototype solar sail built by L'Garde. Close-up of booms in various stages of deployment. Taken at an inflatable space structures demonstration at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 1997. {{PD}} 1
14:19, 19 May 2010LGarde-inflatable-sail-05.jpg (file)61 KBBenSmall inflatable prototype solar sail built by L'Garde. Second boom starting to deploy. Taken at an inflatable space structures demonstration at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 1997. {{PD}} 1
14:17, 19 May 2010LGarde-inflatable-sail-04.jpg (file)61 KBBenSmall inflatable prototype solar sail built by L'Garde. One boom is inflating, pulling sail corner with it. Taken at an inflatable space structures demonstration at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 1997. {{PD}} 1
14:15, 19 May 2010LGarde-inflatable-sail-03.jpg (file)61 KBBenSmall inflatable prototype solar sail built by L'Garde. One boom is starting to inflate. Taken at an inflatable space structures demonstration at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 1997. {{PD}} 1
14:39, 26 October 2009ALOs.png (file)409 KBBenSun-Earth artificial Lagrange orbits enabled by solar sails1
14:52, 28 August 2009LGarde-inflatable-sail-02.jpg (file)61 KBBenSmall inflatable prototype solar sail built by L'Garde. The box has just opened for the sail to deploy. Taken at an inflatable space structures demonstration at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 1997. {{PD}}1
14:46, 28 August 2009LGarde-inflatable-sail-01.jpg (file)63 KBBenBox containing a small inflatable prototype solar sail built by L'Garde. Taken at an inflatable space structures demonstration at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 1997. {{PD}}1
09:24, 9 June 2009Sail forces.png (file)49 KBBenForce components on a solar sail4
17:14, 8 June 2009Sailorbtransfer.png (file)510 KBBenSail orbit transfer1
16:57, 8 June 2009EmreflectBW.png (file)17 KBBenElectric and magnetic field components of electromagnetic radiation (sunlight, laser, etc.) 1
16:50, 8 June 2009WSFsailcraft Earth.png (file)544 KBBenSquare vane-steered sail near Earth. Based on the World Space Foundation design for a proposed solar sail race in the 1980s and 1990s.1
13:11, 10 May 2006Sail flyer.pdf (file)146 KBBenRoyal Astronomical Society Discussion Meeting: Solar Sail Mission Applications. This meeting is being held in London on May 10th, 2002. It is organized by Professor Colin McInnes of the Univeristy of Glasgow and Professor Carl Murray of the University of 1
13:05, 10 May 2006Sail prog.pdf (file)188 KBBenFinal programme for the Royal Astronomical Society discussion meeting on Solar Sail Applications. Held on Friday May 10th 2002 in London.1
14:03, 21 April 2006GossHistory990805.pdf (file)41 KBBen"Gossamer Spacecraft Survey Study", a report by the late Dr. Robert L. Forward, with Benjamin L. Diedrich. It is a historical survey of gossamer spacecraft structures that have been discussed in the past.1
14:01, 21 April 2006Solar sail Bib Polyakhova.pdf (file)106 KBBenA collection of solar sail references by Elena Polyakhova.1
14:00, 21 April 2006Msthesisben.pdf (file)977 KBBen"Attitude Control and Dynamics of Solar Sails", a thesis by Benjamin L. Diedrich for his Master of Science in Aeronautics and Astronautics from the University of Washington.1
13:57, 21 April 2006SolarSailReqMatrix00Jan18.pdf (file)228 KBBenA report by the late Dr. Robert L. Forward, Prof. Colin R. McInnes, and Benjamin L. Diedrich for JPL documenting a large number of solar sail missions and the requirements they place on sail technology, design, and operations.1
12:58, 21 April 2006SolarSailingCover.jpg (file)58 KBBenCover of "Solar Sailing: Technology, Dynamics, and Mission Applications" by Colin R. McInnes1
10:09, 17 February 2006Space.png (file)5 KBBenStarry background for use on web pages. Created by Ben Diedrich using POVRay.1
10:08, 17 February 2006At comet.jpg (file)76 KBBen800-meter Halley Rendezvous solar sail design from the 1970's arriving at Halley's Comet. Image provided by Jerome Wright, courtesy of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.1
10:05, 17 February 2006Saile01.jpg (file)77 KBBenA square solar sail in Earth orbit similar to a sail the Jet Propulsion Laboratory designed in the late 1970's to rendezvous with Halley's Comet during its last approach. Provided by Jerome Wright, courtesy of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.1
09:56, 17 February 2006Marsland.gif (file)111 KBBenA human Mars mission supported by solar sails. Provided by Jerome Wright, courtesy of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.1
09:55, 17 February 2006Liftoff.gif (file)114 KBBenA robotic Mars sample return mission carried by solar sail taking off from the planet. Provided by Jerome Wright, courtesy of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.1
09:52, 17 February 2006Heliogyr.pov (file)6 KBBenPOVRay source of Image:Heliogyr.jpg.1
09:51, 17 February 2006Heliogyr.jpg (file)79 KBBenHalley Rendezvous heliogyro solar sail. Spinning sail with long, thin blades. The blades are tilted like those of a helicopter to steer the vessel. Created 1999 by Benjamin L. Diedrich using POVRay.1
09:48, 17 February 2006Disk2.jpg (file)30 KBBenClose-up of Image:Disk.jpg.1
09:47, 17 February 2006Disk.jpg (file)21 KBBenSpinning solar sail split into several segments. Created 1999 by Benjamin L. Diedrich using Mops (now Ayam) and Blue Moon Rendering Tools.1
09:45, 17 February 2006Cssp.orig.png (file)87 KBBenOriginal design by the Canadian Solar Sail Project for a proposed race to the moon in 1992 in honor of the 500 year anniversary of Columbus reaching the Americas. This sail has six sections and steers by tilting the segments of the sail like a Venetian bl1
09:44, 17 February (file)124 KBBenSecond (more conservative) solar sail design of the Canadian Space Society for the Columbus 500 Space Sail Cup. Created by Paul Fjeld, an artist/engineer who creates illustrations for the Canadian Space Agency. Provided by Dr. Christopher Neufeld, who wor1
09:41, 17 February 2006Cover.jpg (file)58 KBBenCover of Prof. Colin McInnes' book Solar Sailing: Technology, Dynamics, and Mission Applications. copyright © 1999 Praxis Publishing Ltd. Provided with permission of the author, Prof. Colin R. McInnes.1
09:37, 17 February 2006Clipper.jpg (file)30 KBBenBack view of Image:Clipper2.jpg.1
09:36, 17 February 2006Clipper2.jpg (file)25 KBBenJerome Wright updated the Halley Rendezvous square solar sail design to use 4 triangular sail segments. Front view of the sail in Jupiter orbit. Created 1999 by Benjamin L. Diedrich using Mops (now Ayam) and Blue Moon Rendering Tools.1
09:32, 17 February 2006Circular.zoom.pov (file)4 KBBenPOVRay source of Image:Circular_zoom.jpg.1
09:31, 17 February 2006Circular.zoom.jpg (file)69 KBBenClose-up of Image:Circular.jpg.1
09:28, 17 February 2006Circular.pov (file)4 KBBenPOVRay source of Media:Circular.pov.1
09:21, 17 February 2006Circular.jpg (file)76 KBBenA circular solar sail. Spin tensions the sail, and panels are periodically shifted to induce control torques. Created 1995 by Benjamin L. Diedrich using POVRay.1
09:18, 17 February 2006At comet.png (file)115 KBBen800-meter Halley Rendezvous solar sail design from the 1970's arriving at Halley's Comet. Image provided by Jerome Wright, courtesy of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.1
16:20, 15 February 2006Square.jpg (file)15 KBBenA simple square solar sail. Artist: Ben Diedrich, 19992
13:18, 15 February 2006Sailmch2.gif (file)5 KBBenDiagram showing a solar sail spiraling in towards the sun. Reflected sunlight pushes the sail against its orbital motion.1

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